RV accessories and related cool rv gadgets are not unlike many things you use for your home. But space is limited no matter what size rig you have and essential camping gear, kitchen appliances, tools and just necessary rv parts and products may require some thought or experience before you buy. I'd like to share a few of the items I own or have used over time that I think are top notch and worth the money.
These retractable hoses are not only compact but they are nearly indestructible. I inherited one from my folks who'd used it for decades. Well worth the money. And when you wind them back up you squeeze out the water so they store completely dry. Comes in 25' and 50'. |
This self-contained compact table and bench set is great for boondocking. Instant outside eating area. Comes in a nice case. And don't forget the RV patio mat to put underneath the table and benches or your favorite comfortable chairs. It is essential to keeping down the dust and keeping out dirt, stones and various sticky burrs that can be brought into your rig on your shoes. They fold up compactly for storage in a bay or cargo carrier. |
One of the best RV gadgets I've ever received as a gift. A 190 lumen lantern that has 4 break away, rechargeable, hand-held, led lights. Take one and go away from your site and still leave it illuminated. Great for a group and for safety. Or 4 instant flash lights. Great when you need more burners or it's just too hot to cook indoors, this Coleman Fold 'n Go is a godsend. Use full size pans. Store in a bay/basement compartment. |
Unique Natural RV Digest-It is the only product you'll ever need to use in your holding tanks. It is head and shoulders better than anything out there. Just read the reviews! Even homeowners use it in their septic systems with great results. In combination with the Unique product, this 45 degree clear sewer hose adaptor allows you to see when the draining is done. It also gives you maneuverability for hoses in tight places. |
When it's too hot, too cold or too much light is coming through your RV vent openings, this RV accessory. the Camco Sunshield, fills the space to keeps your motor home cool, warm or dark enough to sleep in late. This will make your AC and furnace run much more efficiently. And not only will you be able to sleep in, but those overnights in Truck Stops will be less noisy too! An added bonus! Get rid of tangled cords forever! Here's an RV accessory that will really pay off. I have a docking station for all my recharging needs, with 3 outlets and 2 USB ports to charge phone, ipad, mifi jetpack, computer and camera. What a time saver not to have to sort the cords that, invariably, got tangled up. Great for my earbuds and USB cord in the drivers seat too! |
This Valterra FridgeCool fan will save you propane, and therefore money, by keeping the temperature in your RV refrigerator regulated by circulating the air. If you have glass shelves use two, one on the back corner of the top shelf and one in the same spot on the bottom. |
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